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Employee work schedule using fullcalendar or other PHP classes: Display work schedule of two or three teams a day

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Employee work schedule using fullcalendar or other PHP classes

A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. Edit

Picture of ramirez arturo by ramirez arturo - 8 years ago (2016-02-26)

Display work schedule of two or three teams a day

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First we select a month in a calendar by clicking on a selected day, a modal window is opened which contains three drop down select boxes:

00 am to 08 am : select an employee from select box 08 am to 04 pm : select an employee from select box 04 pm to 00 pm : select an employee from select box

The bottom of the modal window contains two buttons: Save and Cancel.

Once the Save button is clicked, the selected data is stored in MySQL database.

The fullcalendar is here.

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 8 years ago (2016-02-26) Reply

    I don't know a package that generates calendars that let you select a range of days using drag and drop. That would be probably a good idea for a innovative package.

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